Tree Tech NZ knows your trees. The most basic fact of tree trimming needs to be clearly stated. Knowing the type of trees you're working with before doing anything is essential. If you trim your Japanese maple like you treat your crepe myrtle, you're going to end up with a very strange looking tree. Avoid topping your tree. Topping trees is a good idea only when the tree is running the risk of interfering with a power line. If you top trees for aesthetics, you'll actually weaken the tree which can actually become a hazard and will look bad eventually, forcing you to cut it down and you need tree removal rotorua . Never trim more than the healthy portion of a tree. Don't hesitate to trim the outer branches but try not to cut too much off. Cutting away more than a third of the tree's volume may damage the tree. However if the branch is diseased, rotting or dead, definitely cut it all the way off. Trim only when the tree is not actively growing. The proper time to tri...